Does this subject contribute to an ATAR? Yes (General subject)
How many credits does this subject contribute towards QCE? 4
What is Psychology?
Psychology provides opportunities for students to engage with concepts that explain behaviours and underlying cognitions.
Students examine individual development in the form of the role of the brain, cognitive development, human consciousness and sleep. They investigate the concept of intelligence; the process of diagnosis and how to classify psychological disorders and determine an effective treatment; and the contribution of emotion and motivation on individual behaviour. They examine individual thinking and how it is determined by the brain, including perception, memory, and learning. They consider the influence of others by examining theories of social psychology, interpersonal processes, attitudes and cross-cultural psychology.
Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skill of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society.
What makes a student suited to Psychology?
Students who achieve success in Psychology are those who:
- Have an interest in how our brains work
- Enjoy scientific thinking and are able to apply their knowledge in practical situations
- Are willing to commit to a high work ethic and commitment to study
- Can understand and appreciate multiple perspectives, theories and concepts
- Are willing to uphold the aim of the scientific method and ethical considerations
- Appreciate empirical evidence and data
- Appreciate reading scientific information
What prerequisites must students meet in order to take this subject?Year 9 - Minimum C standard for Core Math, English and Science
Year 10 – Minimum C standard in Science, General Math and General English
What is the cost of this subject?
What materials or equipment do I need for this subject?
- 2 x A4 Exercise books (minimum 96 pages)
- BYOD laptop
- Calculator
What do students study in this subject and how are they assessed?
| | Unit Overviews | Assessment |
Year 10 | Semester 1 | Psychology as a science
Localisation of function in the brain Optimal performance arousal & motivation Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Unseen examination (25%) Scientific report (25%)
| Semester 2 | Motivation Emotions Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Unseen examination (25%)
Research Investigation (25%)
Year 11 | Unit 1 | Psychological science A Psychological science B
The role of the brain
Cognitive development Emotion and motivation
Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Formative internal assessment 1: 25% • Data test Formative internal assessment 2: 25% • Examination
| Unit 2
| Human consciousness and sleep
Psychological disorders and treatments
Intelligence Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Formative internal assessment 3: 25% • Scientific report
Formative internal assessment: 25% • Research Investigation
Year 12 | Unit 3 | Individual thinking Localisation of function in the brain Visual perception Memory Learning Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 10% • Data test Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20% • Student experiment |
| Unit 4 | The influence of others Social psychology Interpersonal processes Attitudes Cross-cultural psychology Statistics & data analysis/interpretation
| Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 20% • Research investigation Summative external assessment (EA): 50% • Examination