
Executive Principal's welcome


Park Ridge State High School Learning Philosophy

our purpose: a versatile education for a versatile world

Park Ridge State High School is a dynamic and versatile learning space. We believe that it is our mission to support the natural giftings of our diverse learners, to prepare them for a constantly changing 21st Century world.

We understand that intelligence comes in many shapes and forms, and that one child's abilities may look very different to another. Providing a responsive education to meet our learner's diversity is at the heart of our approach to education. We do this through the creation of multiple and authentic learning environments, linked to the real world. We guarantee a learning journey that is catered to the abilities and interests of every child, alongside exciting extra-curricular opportunities and encompassed by a caring and supportive community ethos.


our vision: excellence in all we do

William Yates said “education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire", our children can succeed if we challenge and encourage them to strive to be the best that they can be. We all want limitless futures for our children, but many times we must provide them with the motivation when they are struggling to find it in themselves. That is why we work hard to forge learning partnerships with our families and our wider community so that together we can be the foundation that will support our children to not only succeed but excel. Excellence for us is not an outcome, but an attitude – a belief in the possible, through hard work, determination, and vision. 'Limitations only exist in the mind', together we can build a limitless future for our children as we set high expectations and an unwavering belief that they can meet them.


our expectations: we are here to learn, do what is right and work together!

Our three expectations define our community beliefs. We are first and foremost a learning community, developing critical, creative thinkers who possess the skills to solution seek and be innovative in a vast range of environments both at school and beyond. We focus on building an understanding of the patterns of learning that will provide our students with a blueprint to navigate their way in an exciting, divergent, and complex workforce as life-long learners. Building character and a social and moral compass is part of our partnership with our families as we watch a child grow into a caring and giving citizen of the world. Modelling collaboration and working as part of a team, providing our students with many opportunities to work together, reflect and grow is central to developing the whole child.


our key question: is every student learning?

Our commitment to knowing where our students are in the learning at all times, what we will do if they are not learning and what we will do to extend their learning when they have mastered a skill, is reflected in this key question. A question that continuously drives our work and focus.

Last reviewed 22 August 2024
Last updated 22 August 2024