


Welcome to the Park Ridge State High School’s P&C Association.

P&C Meetings are scheduled on the 2nd and 7th Monday of each term @ 6:00pm in the Resource Centre Conference Room.

The P&C (Parents and Citizens) Association here at Park Ridge is a very active group who work tirelessly to assist in obtaining the best outcomes for our students

The P&C Executive structure consists of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President. These are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.

The P&C is not just a 'fundraising group', it works closely with the school on things such as: Policy Development, Financial Planning (Budgeting), School Resource Scheme, and Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students (including dress code).

The P&C contribute financially to the School in many ways including: arts, sports, ground and garden maintenance, including landscaping projects, parade and class incentives, graduation gifts and other numerous resources. We have also contributed through P&C funds and some grant funds, playground equipment and air conditioning.

We have 2 sub committees:
  1. Dance troupe
  2. Instrumental program.

The ongoing contribution from an amazing team of volunteers within the school is something we are very proud of, so don’t be afraid, come and get involved today!

Executive team

President - Peter Knight
Vice-President - Michael Purtle
Treasurer - Kathryn Jahnke
Secretary - Kim Occhipinti

Contact details

PO Box 893 PARK RIDGE QLD  4125


Last reviewed 16 August 2023
Last updated 16 August 2023