


Languages is designed to enable all students to engage in learning a language in addition to English.

In the Languages learning area the focus is on both language and culture, as students learn to communicate meaningfully across linguistic and cultural systems, and different contexts. This process involves reflection and analysis, as students move between the new language being learnt and their own existing language(s). It is a reciprocal and dynamic process which develops language use within intercultural dimensions of learning experiences. It is not a ‘one plus one’ relationship between two languages and cultures, where each language and culture stay separate and self-contained. Comparison and referencing between two languages and cultures build understanding of how languages ‘work’, how they relate to each other and how language and culture shape and reflect experience; that is, the experience of language using and language learning. The experience of being in two worlds at once involves noticing, questioning and developing awareness of how language and culture shape identity.

There is more to studying a foreign language than being able to speak it. It is also about:

  • Engaging with the global community.
  • Widening cultural understanding and experiences.
  • Developing new perspectives and experiences.
  • Gaining a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Being able to travel through parts of the world more easily.

You will learn to use skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing in activities such as:

  • Writing and communicating information about yourself and your world.
  • Writing role plays and communicating in real life situations such as ordering food in a Café or at a market or asking for directions.
  • Reading and writing short stories.
  • Listening to and viewing television programs, films and internet channels.
  • Discussing topics such as the environment and social issues.
  • Reading and creating tourist brochures and discussing holidays.

Why study German?

German is one of the most widely spoken languages, and a major community language in Australia. The German-speaking countries lie in the heart of Europe, and Australia welcomes tens of thousands of tourists from those countries every year. Germany has one of the strongest economies in the world, and is a leader in many areas of technology and culture. German language skills are an asset in many careers, including international relations, international business, tourism, interpreting/translation, teaching and the sciences.

Why study Indonesian?

Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia. With more than 300 million speakers, Indonesian is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world. In the Federal Government's 2012 White Paper on `Australia in the Asian Century', Indonesian was identified as one of the crucial language skills areas for development.

Possible careers available in these areas

International relations marketing and business, translating, interpreting, travel agent, tourism, business, hospitality, teacher, defence forces, federal police, diplomat, sciences.

Last reviewed 03 September 2019
Last updated 03 September 2019