Great opportunities for students - Start your dream career pathway while still at school!
Study on campus or study off campus.
There are many opportunities for Park Ridge High School students.
School based traineeships & apprenticeships
This program is offered to students in Years 10, 11 and 12. It is designed for students who know what they want to do e.g. hairdresser or panel beater.
How do you find a placement?
We have a vacancy board where any vacancies we have are available or students can self canvas appropriate employers in their chosen industry.
Students need to have an up to date resume.
How does it work?
Students attend their work place one day during the week as well as school holidays. Their training will take place in the work place and also during holidays at College.
Students also gain QCE credit points.
This is not an ideal pathway for a student aiming for a high tertiary entrance score.
Skills tech and TAFE course
These opportunities are offered to Year 10 and 11 students in Term 3 for courses starting the following year.
These include courses such as:
- Certificate II in Furnishings
- Certificate II in Automotive
- Certificate II in Hairdressing
- Certificate II in Health Support
These courses require a student to attend a Tafe/Skills Tech campus, one day a week for 12 months and complete their Certificate. They will gain QCE points as part of their school curriculum.
Recognised studies
- are developed by external organisations such as Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) or Trinity College according to their specific rules
- may be studied as part of the Park Ridge State High School curriculum or may be studied privately
- do NOT contribute to a student’s eligibility for tertiary entrance
- are recorded on the Senior Statement but not on the School Exit Statement
- can contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).