Classroom teachers provide students with homework tasks and required completion dates. This information will be written by students into their student organiser.
If a student has not been given specific homework instructions by their teacher it is expected that students will complete the following:
Complete any outstanding work from the lesson.
Revise notes from lessons and read notes in their textbook (when applicable).
Work on assessment tasks (assessment tasks are outlined on
assessment planners).
Homework Centre

We know that finding the time to get homework done can be a challenge for busy families. To help ease the burden, students can complete their homework in a supervised learning environment before they go home from school. We even provide a healthy snack.
Our Homework Centre is supervised by staff in our Resource Centre at the following times:
- Monday 3pm - 4pm
- Tuesday 3pm - 4pm
- Wednesday 3pm - 4pm
- Thursday 3pm - 4pm
Register for our homework centre using the form below and return to
Specific subject areas also provide tutorials. Contact your student's classroom teacher or the Head of Department to confirm when these occur for each subject.