AFL Excellence Program
Past students enrolled within the Academy have achieved well over the years with both males and females representing the school at district, regional and state level.

Park Ridge State High School’s AFL Excellence program has been developed to integrate sporting excellence into academic excellence. It is an all-inclusive program that caters for individual needs designed for both males and females from Years 7-12, who show an interest in AFL. The program not only develops strong sporting and physical competence, it also offers a comprehensive education in leadership, communication and team building skills.
Course overview
Students from grade 7 to 12 are eligible for the program. The program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop their football skills, use the study of Australian Rules to improve their academic opportunities, and provide pathways to tertiary study and into the workforce. .

Course structure
Students will receive the following tuition and coaching as part of their program. This will occur for 40 weeks of the year.
Player Development: 1 x 70mins per week (varies on year level)
Strength Training: 1 x 70mins per week (varies on year level)
Games: As Scheduled
Nutrition and Sports Psychology lectures are also included each term as well as sports medicine courses.
Course organisationStudents undertake their academic studies at Park Ridge State High School over 5 days per week. Students in students in years 7- 9 select AFL along with their Core subjects. Students in years 10 will complete a SET plan with their Academy mentor to help select their subjects for years 11 and 12. AFL in these years becomes optional as a class based on academic requirements.
Entry requirements
Acceptance into the Park Ridge State High School’s AFL Excellence is dependent upon a student’s ability to meet certain criteria. Students wishing to be considered for the Park Ridge SHS AFL Excellence program must demonstrate the following.
Applicants must be of acceptable playing standard and be prepared to reach their full potential with dedication and hard work.
- Proven AFL skill and ability (must have played division one or two in an endorsed competition).
- Ability to work with others in pursuit of AFL excellence.
- Willingness to study other academic subjects at Park Ridge State High School.
- The financial ability to meet the costs associated with AFL studies.
- Proven exemplary record of attitude, industry and behaviour in a school community.
- Willingness to promote AFL in all its facets.
- Students will be required to compete in all available competitions during the year at the discretion of the AFL Director.
- Students must be prepared to undertake home study each school night.
- Students must continue to demonstrate a satisfactory desire to complete their schooling.
The following factors are also considered in the selection process.
AFL Capabilities
- Level played.
- Representative honours.
- Potential and coach ability.
- Achievement – most recent achievement levels (Minimum ‘B’ standard in all studies or ‘Excellent’ Effort achievement standards).
- Behaviour and Industry – comments and ratings on most recent reports.
- An exemplary Behaviour Record (Evidence to be provided).
- Must have a minimum 92% attendance record.
Course costs
The AFL Excellence program strives to make the opportunity for all high achieving AFL players to access the program. Current fee structure is available upon request. Course costs include all coaching, lectures and courses as well as physiological screening each year. Park Ridge State High School is a government school and therefore, academic tuition for domestic students attracts a standard resource charge and additional levies as per individual subject areas. All excursions and extracurricular activities incur an additional charge.
Application process
If your dream is to play AFL and improve your skills whilst attending school then you have scored. Please complete an application for enrolment form (in the related links above) and return to the Enrolments Officer Park Ridge State High School.
For further information please contact the school or the AFL Program Director, Rob Lade at