SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness
Binnacle Training RTO (RTO Code 31319)

Qualification description
Certificate III Fitness is a two-year course delivered in two modes; acquisition of knowledge and skills relating to the delivery of a training program and the practical application of knowledge and skills. Students deliver fitness programs within their school community.
This course has a heavy theory component and it is recommended for non-ATAR students who enjoy fitness and physical activity and for students seeking employment in the fitness industry.
The program includes:
- Community fitness program
- Strength and conditioning for athletes and teams
- Group fitness sessions
- Personal training adults (e.g. teachers and other staff)
QCE Credits: Successful completion of the Certificate III in Fitness contributes a maximum of eight (8) credits towards a student's QCE. A maximum of eight credits from the same training package can contribute to a QCE.
Entry requirements
At enrolment, each student will be required to create (or simply supply if previously created) a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI creates an online record of all training and qualifications attained in Australia.
A Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Screening process is undertaken at the time of initial enrolment (or earlier) to ensure students have the capacity to effectively engage with the content. Please refer to Binnacle Training's Student Information document for a snapshot of reading, writing and numeracy skills that would be expected in order to satisfy competency requirements.
A range of delivery modes will be used during the teaching and learning of this qualification. These include:
- face-to-face instruction
- work-based learning
- guided learning
- online learning
The 2022 Binnacle Training Fee was $365. Please note that this price might increase.
Other school costs:
- $50 First Aid Course
- $20 Gym fee
All text and reprographics are provided by the school.
Course units
Students will participate in the delivery of a range of business activities and projects within the school. Graduates will be competent in a range of essential workplace skills – including leadership and organisation, customer service, personal management, teamwork and relationships, business technology and financial literacy. Students will also investigate business opportunities.
Assessment is competency based and therefore no levels of achievement are awarded. Progressive completion of competencies include:
- portfolios
- research items
- short answers
- developing projects
- teacher observations
- teacher questioning.
Evidence contributing towards competency will be collected throughout the course.
Unit code | Title
| Provide First Aid
SISFFIT047 | Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise
SISXIND002 | Maintain sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge |
BSBSUS211 | Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBOPS304 | Deliver and monitor a service to customers |
BSBPEF301 | Organise personal work priorities
SISFFIT036 | Instruct group exercise sessions |
SISFFIT035 | Plan group exercise sessions |
SISFFIT052 | Provide healthy eating information |
| Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients
| Participate in workplace health and safety
| Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation
| Complete client fitness assessments
| Work effectively in sport, fitness and recreation environments
| Respond to emergency situations
RTO obligation
Employment is not guaranteed upon completion of this qualification. Student enrolment, complaints and appeals are managed by Binnacle Training RTO (RTO code 31319)
Students who are deemed competent in all 15 units of competency will be awarded a Qualification and a Record of Results Binnacle Training RTO (RTO code 31319).
Students who achieve at least one unit of competency (but not the full qualification) will receive a Statement of Attainment issued by Binnacle Training RTO (RTO code31319).
IMPORTANT Program Disclosure Statement (PDS)
This document is to be read in conjunction with Binnacle Training's Program Disclosure Statement (PDS). The PDS sets out the services and training products Binnacle Training as RTO provides and those services carried out by the School as Third Party (i.e. the facilitation of training and assessment services).
To access Binnacle's PDS, visit:
The Certificate III in Fitness will predominantly be used by students seeking to enter a range of different pathways.
For example:
- Group Fitness Instructor
- Gym Fitness Instructor
- Stepping stone to personal training, enabling you to progress into a Certificate IV in Fitness at another RTO
Students eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) may be able to use their completed Certificate III to contribute towards their ATAR. For further information please visit
The RTO Park Ridge SHS # 30421 guarantees that the student will be provided with every opportunity to complete the qualification. We do not guarantee employment upon completion of this qualification.
Correct at time of publication but subject to change.