Volunteering Queensland
External RTO number: 6020
Qualification description
Certificate II in Active Volunteering is an accredited training program offered for secondary school students. The course provides students with fundamental understanding of volunteering through supportive yet challenging industry experience and classroom theory.
Students build transferable skills that are valued and sought after by employers, increase certainty about the direction of their career, and become more socially concerned with a greater understanding of the issues that face their community.
The program includes:
QCE Credits: Successful completion of the Certificate II in Active Volunteering contributes a maximum of four (4) credits towards a student's QCE. A maximum of four (4) credits from the same training package can contribute to a QCE.
Entry requirements
At enrolment, each student will be required to create (or simply supply if previously created) a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI creates an online record of all training and qualifications attained in Australia.
Duration and location
This is a one-year course delivered in Years 11 and 12 on site at Park Ridge State High School in partnership with Volunteering Queensland. This may be extended if required
Delivery modes
A range of delivery modes will be used during the teaching and learning of this qualification. These include:
All text and reprographics are provided by the school.
Course units
Program delivery will combine both class-based tasks and practical components in the school environment. This involves the delivery of a range of projects and services within their school community. A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies.
Assessment is competency based and therefore no levels of achievement are awarded.
Progressive completion of competencies include:
As part of their study, students must complete at least 20 hours of volunteer work – either within the school community, or with approved external organisation(s).
Unit code Core Units | Title
| Communicate in the workplace
CHCDIV001 | Work with diverse people |
| Be an effective volunteer |
HLTWHS001 | Participate in workplace health and safety |
ELECTIVE UNITS - 3 required
Plan and apply time management |
BSBTEC201 | Use business software applications |
BSBTEC202 | Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment |
HLTFSE001 | Follow basic food safety practices |
| Contribute to community safety |
SISXCAI007 | Assists with activities not requiring equipment |
RTO obligation
Employment is not guaranteed upon completion of this qualification. Student enrolment, complaints and appeals are managed by Volunteering Queensland (RTO#6020).
Students who are deemed competent in all 7 units of competency will be awarded a Qualification and a Record of Results Volunteering Queensland (RTO#6020).
Students who achieve at least one unit of competency (but not the full qualification) will receive a Statement of Attainment issued by Volunteering Queensland (RTO#6020).
The Certificate II in Active Volunteering will predominantly be used by students seeking to build real world, communication, collaboration and employability skills.
- Community services.
- Childcare.
- Animal welfare.
Students eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) may be able to use their completed Certificate II to contribute towards their ATAR. For further information please visit https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/australian-tertiary-admission-rank-atar.
Disclaimer:The RTO Park Ridge SHS # 30421 guarantees that the student will be provided with every opportunity to complete the qualification. We do not guarantee employment upon completion of this qualification.Correct at time of publication but subject to change.