CTA training specialists
External RTO number: 31607
Qualification description
A Certificate II Hospitality is an entry-level qualification focusing on the essential skills for working at any hospitality venue. Students learn how to stay safe at work while abiding by the laws relevant to the hospitality workplace. This nationally recognised certificate can help you find work at clubs, pubs, hotels, resorts, theme parks, cafes, restaurants, and bistros. The course covers: communicating with customers, interacting with guests and workmates from different cultural backgrounds, staying safe at work, hygiene controls in hospitality, cleaning, using equipment, and more. Throughout the core and elective study units students will access learning that lead to specific job roles, such as cafe attendant, bar steward, catering assistant, hotel porter.
Certificate II in Hospitality emphasises the practical and theoretical skills needed to work effectively in a hospitality environment. As part of the Training and Assessment process, students will be required to undertake practical assessment within their workplace or a suitable designated workplace.
The program includes:
- Food hygiene and safety
- Customer service
- First aid
- Teamwork and interpersonal skills
QCE Credits: Successful completion of the Certificate II in Hospitality contributes a maximum of four (4) credits towards a student's QCE
Entry requirements
At enrolment, each student will be required to create (or simply supply if previously created) a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI creates an online record of all training and qualifications attained in Australia.
A Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Screening process is undertaken at the time of initial enrolment (or earlier) to ensure students have the capacity to effectively engage with the content.
Delivery modes
A range of delivery modes will be used during the teaching and learning of this qualification. These include:
face-to-face instruction
work-based learning
guided learning
online learning
- This course is eligible for VETiS funding
- Uniform - TBC
- All text and reprographics are provided by the school.
Duration and location
This is a two-year course delivered in Years 11 and 12 on site at Park Ridge State High School in partnership with CTA training specialists.
Assessment is competency based and therefore no levels of achievement are awarded. Progressive completion of competencies include:
- portfolios
- research items
- short answers
- developing projects
- teacher observations
- teacher questioning.
Evidence contributing towards competency will be collected throughout the course.
Course units
Students will participate in the delivery of a range of theoretical and practical activities and projects within the school and hospitality establishments. Graduates will be competent in a range of essential workplace skills – including leadership and organisation, customer service, personal management, teamwork and relationships, business technology and financial literacy.
Unit code | Title |
| Work effectively with others
SITXFSA005 SITHIND006 | Use hygienic practices for food safety Source and use information on the hospitality
industry |
| Participate in safe work practices |
| Interact with customers |
BSBSUS211 | Participate in sustainable work practices |
ELECTIVE UNITS SITHGAM022 | Provide responsible gambling services |
| Show social and cultural sensitivity
SITHCCC028 | Prepare appetisers and salads |
SITHFAB024 | Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages |
| Use hospitality skills effectively
| Provide responsible service of alcohol
RTO obligationEmployment is not guaranteed upon completion of this qualification. Student enrolment, complaints and appeals are managed by CTA training specialists (RTO# 31607)
Students who are deemed competent in all 12 units of competency will be awarded a Qualification and a Record of Results CTA training specialists (RTO# 31607).
Students who achieve at least one unit of competency (but not the full qualification) will receive a Statement of Attainment issued by CTA training specialists (RTO# 31607).
The Certificate II in Hospitality will predominantly be used by students seeking to enter a range of different pathways. For example:
- café attendant
- catering assistant
- food and beverage attendant
- reception assistant
- room attendant
With further study such as the SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality and then onto the SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality which will allow for the following pathways.
· management in hospitality industry
· event coordinator
Students eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) may be able to use their completed Certificate to contribute towards their ATAR. For further information please visit https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/australian-tertiary-admission-rank-atar.